
  • Jurnal Penelitian Karet

    JURNAL PENELITIAN KARET (Indonesian Journal of Natural Rubber Research, p-ISSN 0852-808X ; e-ISSN 2503-0469) is accredited national scientific journal published by Pusat Penelitian Karet (Indonesian Rubber Research Institute) PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara, based in Jalan Raya Palembang - Pangkalan Balai KM 29 Sembawa Banyuasin 30953 South Sumatera  Indonesia. The objective of the journal is to disseminate innovation of rubber research and development to researcher, practitioners and user of information in general. Contributors on the publication of Jurnal Penelitian Karet are coming from Indonesian Rubber Research Institute and its subsidiary research center and other research and development institutes, government agencies, universities, associations, and industries.
  • Warta Perkaretan

    Warta Perkaretan (Rubber News, p-ISSN : 0216-6062 ; e-ISSN : 2503-5207) is accredited national scientific journal published by Pusat Penelitian Karet (Indonesian Rubber Research Institute) PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara, based in Jalan Salak Nomor 1 Bogor 16151 West Java Indonesia. The objective of the journal is to disseminate the innovation of rubber research to researcher, practitioners and user of information in general. Contributed papers are including original research and review articles. Contributors of Warta Perkaretan are coming from Indonesian Rubber Research Institute and its subsidiary research center and also other research and development institutes, government agencies, universities, associations, and industries.

  • International Proceedings of IRC 2017

    Proceedings of the IRC 2017 is published by Indonesian Rubber Research Institute and International Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRI - IRRDB). All papers are published in the proceedings has been presented at IRC 2017 in conjuction with WPLACE 2017 in Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta, 18-20 October 2017.