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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscript (format MS Word .doc or .docx)
  • Cover Letter
  • Ethic Statement Form

Author Guidelines

Online Submission

The manuscript submission to Jurnal Penelitian Karet should be conducted by online after the Author register and login to the journal open access system.  Author can check the status of current submissions by using the Username and Password which has been created during registration.

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Author Guidelines

JURNAL PENELITIAN KARET (Indonesian Journal of Natural Rubber Research, p-ISSN 0852-808X ; e-ISSN 2503-0469) is accredited national journal which publishes  scientific original research articles dealing with natural rubber from Indonesian Rubber Research Institute and other institution which contain of various academic disciplines  such Breeding & Plant Genetic; Agronomy, Plant Physiology & Exploitation; Protection, Pests & Plant Diseases;  Soil Science & Agroclimatology; Agribusiness & Agricultural Socio-Economics; and Post Harvest Technology (Mechanization, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Material Science). The official language for publication in Jurnal Penelitian Karet is Bahasa Indonesia based on Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD). The manuscript should not have been submitted, peer-reviewed and published elsewhere.

General Author Guidelines

The manuscript can only be submitted to Jurnal Penelitian Karet by Online Submission on e-journal official website or through the following link Before the submission, Author should register as Author and/or offered as Reader by online via GO TO REGISTRATION, while for the Registered Author can directly submit the manuscript via GO TO LOGIN. If Author find any problems regarding the registration, please feel free to contact the Editorial email at : or

The Editorial Board of Jurnal Penelitian Karet only accept original research article. The submission of the manuscript is recommeded to be accompanied by the following documents :

  • Cover letter which provide information about Author Name and Affiliation, title of the manuscript, the novelty and importance aspect (state of the art) of the research publish in the manuscript also brief summary if possible. ( cover letter sample). The cover letter should be signed by Author.
  • Signed Publication Ethic Statement form. Original signature is required (scan the document after signed by the Author). (publication ethic form)

Manuscript Template

The manuscript must be prepared and written based on the journal manuscript template which is assigned by the Journal Editor. The manuscript template is available in pdf format (download here).

Online Submission Guidelines

To submit the manuscript by online submission, Author must register as Author and/or offered as Reader.

Author should prepare the manuscript based on the journal template. Furthermore, Author should include the supplementary documents. During the online registration, Author should fill the textbox as detail as possible especially on the star marked textbox. To proceed the online registration, check list the Register as box in Author and/or offered as Reader continued with clicks on Register button. Further action is click on New Submission buttons and please follow these five guidelines to complete the manuscript online submission:

  1. Stage 1 : starting the submission. Check list the three check list boxes in these section. Authors are allowed to type or copy-paste the cover letter in the Comments for the Editor box. Then, click save and continue to step forward.
  2. Stage 2 : uploading the submission. The manuscript to be published in Jurnal Penelitian Karet should be uploaded in this section by press the Browse buttons. Select the file item in the MS Word format, then click Upload button. Wait until the file is perfectly uploaded. Then, click save and continue to go to the 3rd stage.
  3. Stage 3 : entering submission metadata. Author should enter the detail of manuscript metadata by copy-paste the title, abstract including keywords, all Author names and affiliation from MS Word format to the textbox.  
  4. Stage 4 : uploading supplementary files. Supplementary documents should be uploaded together with manuscript consist of cover letter and ethic statement form.  The supplementary documents should be originally signed and upload in the scanned pdf format.
  5. Stage 5 : confirming the submission. This is the last stage of online submission. Authors should conduct final check to the uploaded manuscript to ensure the right article. To finish the online submission of manuscript to the Jurnal Penelitian Karet, please click the Finish Submission button. The Corresponding Author will receive an confirmation and acknowledgement by Email. Authors are able to trace the status of the manuscript by login into the journal official website.


Author Fee (Publication Charge)

Jurnal Penelitian Karet is an open access accredited national scientific journal, published by Pusat Penelitian Karet PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara. However, the Editorial Board are very pleased to inform you (Author) that the editorial process in Jurnal Penelitian Karet does not charged any fees. All expense incurred during the editorial process are become the responsibility of Pusat Penelitian Karet as the journal publisher.


User Rights

All articles are published open access in Jurnal Penelitian Karet are  free for Reader and User to read and download anytime and anywhere. The license options currently being arranged for Jurnal Penelitian Karet as follows : Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)

Manuscript Preparation Guideline

  • Manuscript Outline

The outline of the manuscript must be arranged based on the following order : title in Bahasa Indonesia and English, name of all authors and their affiliation, abstract and keywords in English and Bahasa Indonesia, introduction, material and method, result and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if necessary), and reference. The official language for manuscript writing in Jurnal Penelitian Karet is Bahasa Indonesia based on Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD). Manuscript should be written refer to the journal template and saved on MS Word format (.doc or .docx).

  • Body Text of the Manuscript Format  

The paragraph on the body text should be typed as defined below :

  1. Paper size : A4 (21 x 29 cm)
  2. Margin top, left, bottom, right : 1 inch (2,56 cm)
  3. 1.15 multiple line space (6 point after spacing), align justify for paragraph, but center for title, name and affiliation of the author(s)
  4. 10 pt font size, Bookman Old Style theme fonts
  5. Page number is set at right bottom, maximal 20 pages per articles

Title. Title is the most important factor to attract the reader attention. Title must be accurate, unambiguous, clear, and complete (but recommended not more than 18 words). Title should characterize the article in general. Avoid using abbreviation in title. Title is written in both of Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Name of all authors and affiliation. Author name should be written as complete as possible without its academic title or professional position. The details of the Author affiliation is including name of institution and postal address. Mainly for the corresponding author (signed with star marked) must be informed by the email address. 

Abstract and keywords. Abstract should independent by means without any citation. Abstract must comprehensive, brief, clear, and focus on the key finding. Abstract composed of justification, aim of the research methodology, result and conclusion. Abstract must follow word limitations as 200 words for English and 300 words for Bahasa Indonesia. Keywords contain maximal 5 words which separated by semi-colon (;) marks. Keywords are arranged in alphabetical order and must facilitate indexing and searching of the article in search engine.

Introduction. Introduction must create a good impression, engaging, concise, and well structured since it will influence the reviewer decision. Introduction should contain of background, problems, relevant related work, state of the art, and novelty of the research. At the end of introduction section, author should state a very specific and brief aims. Author is suggested to avoid extraordinary long sentences with multiple ideas separated by comas or semicolons and also too many citations.

Materials and method. In this section, author should explain the specification of materials and instruments used in the experiment. Furthermore, author also should give sufficient detail of the experiment procedure so anyone else be able to reproduce your work. If the procedure referred to the previous work, author must have cited it clearly.

Result and discussion. The result of the research must be comprehensively and briefly state in the forms of table, picture or figure. Thus for discussion section should be able to describe the following aspects : important aspect which is especially related to the problem and the aims of the research, new finding gained from the research to accentuate the novelty, the difference to the previous and related works.

Conclusion. Conclusion should emphasize answering the problem listed in the introduction section. Conclusion must be very brief, clear, and easy to be understood by readers. Conclusion is not allowed to repeat the abstract section, but it must be justified of the result from the research.

Authors Contributions. This section specifies the clearly contribution of each author involved in the manuscript publication. Author who have made significant contribution should be stated as main contributor/author, while other with less contribution are state as co-contributor/author. In case those who involved purely technical are only listed in an acknowledgement section. Authors also ensure that all the authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and their inclusion of names as co-authors.

Acknowledgement (if necessary). High appreciation must be stated mainly for funding or financial supporter of your research, individual who have assisted the experiment, also advisor and may other people or institutions.

Reference. Bibliography should only be included exactly cited references or scientific publication  in the manuscript. The reference writing refers to American Physiological Association (APA) 6th edition style. Author must comply the limitation of the reference cited i.e. 80% for prime reference (primary from international journal) which published at last 10 years. Please avoid excessively self-citation. The guideline for citation and reference writing could be downloaded here

  • Table, Figure, and Picture

The title of a table, figure or picture should give information as detail as possible. The title of figure or picture is written below its object while title for table is written above either in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Titles are consecutively numbered according to description in result and discussion section. Author must pay attention on the clarity of the picture or figure. Figure or picture which is attached to the manuscript is in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png formats with minimum resolution as 300 dpi.

  • Other components

Currency is written refer to ISO 4217.

Mathematical formula or chemical equation must be made by using Equation Editor application which is available in MS Word program. It is not allowed be illustrated in picture format such .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. The mathematical formula or chemical equation is given consecutively number.

The units are referred to International System (SI) Units

A complete guidelines for other components writing can be download here.

Manuscript Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submit a manuscript, Authors are required to check off their manuscript compliance including the supplementary files refers to the following items. The submission documents will be sent back to the Author if do not meet the following requirements:

  • Manuscript must be an original research article (not an review article), not being under consideration for publication either has been published elsewhere
  • All Author involved must approve the manuscript and agreed its content for publication in Jurnal Penelitian Karet
  • Manuscript writing must refer to the journal template defined by the Editorial Board and has been saved in MS Word format.
  • All articles cited in the manuscript must be listed in reference section
  • Submission of a manuscript should be followed with supplementary documents such cover letter and ethic statement form.

Privacy Statement

All names and email addresses are listed in Jurnal Penelitian Karet official website only will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of Jurnal Penelitian Karet and will be unavailable for any other purpose or party.