Journal History
JURNAL PENELITIAN KARET (Indonesian Journal of Natural Rubber Research, p-ISSN : 0852-808X ; e-ISSN : 2503-0469) is accredited national scientific journal published by Pusat Penelitian Karet (Indonesian Rubber Research Institute) – PT. Riset Perkebunan Nusantara, based in Jalan Raya Palembang - Pangkalan Balai KM 29 Sembawa Banyuasin 30953 South Sumatera Indonesia. The objective of the journal is to disseminate the innovation of rubber research to researcher, practitioners and user of information in general. Authors contributing on the publication of Jurnal Penelitian Karet are coming from Indonesian Rubber Research Institute and its subsidiary research center and also other research and development institutes, government agencies, universities, associations, and industries.
The first publication of the journal was in 1983, named “Bulletin Perkaretan†(p-ISSN 0216-7867). Bulletin Perkaretan was set as scientific journal based on Decree of Indonesian Science Institute Number 9198/SK/J.10/84 dated November 30, 1984. The transformation of journal name into “Jurnal Penelitian Karet†was happened in 1995 which followed by the change on p-ISSN became 0852-808X. The transformation was regulated in Decree of AP3I Number : 017/95 dated 27 Februari 1995.
The frequency of publication is arranged as 2 issues per volume per year in every June and December which contain of 9 to 12 articles each edition. The journal recognition of accreditation has been obtained as follows :
2007 : Certificate accreditation No 104/Akred-LIPI/P2MBI/10/2007dated October 26, 2007
2010 : Certificate accreditation No 317/AU1/P2MBI/10/2010 dated October 27, 2010
2012 : Certificate accreditation No 506/AU2/P2MI-LIPI/10/2012 and Decree of LIPI No 893/E/2012 dated October 1, 2012.
2015 : Certificate accreditation No 703/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2015 and Decree of LIPI No 1215/E/2015 dated October 30, 2015
2018 : Decree of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education No. 30/E/KPT/2018 dated 24 October 2018 (Accredited as SINTA 2 (S2))
Jurnal Penelitian Karet has began the electronic editorial system by using Open Access E-Journal System (OJS) since the publication of Jurnal Penelitian Karet Volume 35 Issue 1, 2017. Therefore, the manuscript submission and access to download the published manuscript in the Jurnal Penelitian Karet are through its official website as Jurnal Penelitian Karet has indexed by Google Scholar. The copyright license is based on Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).